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Items filtered by date: September 2023

Tuesday, 26 September 2023 00:00

Types of Bone Fractures

When it comes to foot injuries, understanding the types of broken bones in the foot is essential for effective diagnosis and treatment. Each foot contains 23 bones that may sustain an injury. A closed, or simple, fracture involves a break in the bone without piercing the skin. An open, or compound, fracture is more severe, where the bone breaks through the skin or is exposed due to a wound. This requires immediate medical attention due to the risk of infection. Greenstick fractures are commonly seen in children. These involve small, slender cracks in bones, as children's bones are more flexible. Hairline fractures, often called stress fractures, result from repetitive stress, particularly in activities like jogging or running. These tiny cracks frequently may occur in the long bones of the foot. Complicated fractures entail injuries to surrounding structures, such as veins, arteries, nerves, and the bone's lining, which may call for careful assessment and treatment. Comminuted fractures shatter the bone into small pieces, resulting in a slower healing process and requiring extensive care. Avulsion fractures occur when powerful muscle contractions pull pieces of bone where muscles attach to bones via tendons. 

A broken foot requires immediate medical attention and treatment. If you need your feet checked, contact Mark Poplawski, DPM from Jersey Shore Podiatry, LLC. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Broken Foot Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

A broken foot is caused by one of the bones in the foot typically breaking when bended, crushed, or stretched beyond its natural capabilities. Usually the location of the fracture indicates how the break occurred, whether it was through an object, fall, or any other type of injury. 

Common Symptoms of Broken Feet:

  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Blue in color
  • Numbness
  • Cold
  • Misshapen
  • Cuts
  • Deformities

Those that suspect they have a broken foot shoot seek urgent medical attention where a medical professional could diagnose the severity.

Treatment for broken bones varies depending on the cause, severity and location. Some will require the use of splints, casts or crutches while others could even involve surgery to repair the broken bones. Personal care includes the use of ice and keeping the foot stabilized and elevated.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Toms River, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment for a Broken Foot
Wednesday, 20 September 2023 00:00

Let the Expert Treat Your Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can be painful and can make wearing shoes or walking uncomfortable. Seek professional help if you believe you've developed an ingrown toenail and be treated safely. 

Tuesday, 19 September 2023 00:00

Surgery for Morton’s Neuroma

Morton's neuroma is a condition affecting the plantar digital nerve and is common in middle-aged women. Surgical excision is recommended when conservative treatments fail. Various surgical approaches exist, with dorsal and plantar accesses being the most common. Regenerative surgery uses platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, for complications arising from Morton's neuroma surgery. PRP is derived from the patient's own blood. It contains growth factors that aid in tissue healing. Hyaluronic acid acts as a platform for PRP, promoting tissue regeneration and reducing healing time. The combinations of these things offer a valuable technique that promotes complete wound healing, with satisfactory aesthetic and functional outcomes. If you have a Morton’s neuroma that requires surgical intervention, it is suggested that you make an appointment with a podiatrist to discuss whether PRP and HA can be used in the surgery to help with recovery.

Morton’s neuroma is a very uncomfortable condition to live with. If you think you have Morton’s neuroma, contact Mark Poplawski, DPM of Jersey Shore Podiatry, LLC. Our doctor will attend to all of your foot care needs and answer any of your related questions.  

Morton’s Neuroma

Morton's neuroma is a painful foot condition that commonly affects the areas between the second and third or third and fourth toe, although other areas of the foot are also susceptible. Morton’s neuroma is caused by an inflamed nerve in the foot that is being squeezed and aggravated by surrounding bones.

What Increases the Chances of Having Morton’s Neuroma?

  • Ill-fitting high heels or shoes that add pressure to the toe or foot
  • Jogging, running or any sport that involves constant impact to the foot
  • Flat feet, bunions, and any other foot deformities

Morton’s neuroma is a very treatable condition. Orthotics and shoe inserts can often be used to alleviate the pain on the forefront of the feet. In more severe cases, corticosteroids can also be prescribed. In order to figure out the best treatment for your neuroma, it’s recommended to seek the care of a podiatrist who can diagnose your condition and provide different treatment options.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Toms River, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Morton's Neuroma
Tuesday, 12 September 2023 00:00

A Guide to Treating Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis, a common and often debilitating foot condition, can bring your daily life to a halt due to severe heel pain. Fortunately, various treatment options are available to help you regain your comfort and mobility. Conservative measures like rest and taking anti-inflammatory medications can help to alleviate discomfort. Wearing supportive footwear with proper arch support and cushioning can significantly reduce strain on the plantar fascia. Stretching exercises that target the calf muscles and Achilles tendon can also provide relief by loosening tight structures around the foot. Custom orthotics may be recommended to support the arch and distribute pressure evenly. In rare cases, when conservative treatments are not sufficient, medical interventions such as cortico-steroid injections or surgery may be considered. Plantar fasciitis can be challenging, but with the right approach and patience, you can overcome it and return to a pain-free, active lifestyle. If you have heel pain, it is suggested that you contact a podiatrist who can effectively diagnose and treat plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition that is often caused by a strain injury. If you are experiencing heel pain or symptoms of plantar fasciitis, contact Mark Poplawski, DPM from Jersey Shore Podiatry, LLC. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. The plantar fascia is a ligament that connects your heel to the front of your foot. When this ligament becomes inflamed, plantar fasciitis is the result. If you have plantar fasciitis you will have a stabbing pain that usually occurs with your first steps in the morning. As the day progresses and you walk around more, this pain will start to disappear, but it will return after long periods of standing or sitting.

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?

  • Excessive running
  • Having high arches in your feet
  • Other foot issues such as flat feet
  • Pregnancy (due to the sudden weight gain)
  • Being on your feet very often

There are some risk factors that may make you more likely to develop plantar fasciitis compared to others. The condition most commonly affects adults between the ages of 40 and 60. It also tends to affect people who are obese because the extra pounds result in extra stress being placed on the plantar fascia.


  • Take good care of your feet – Wear shoes that have good arch support and heel cushioning.
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • If you are a runner, alternate running with other sports that won’t cause heel pain

There are a variety of treatment options available for plantar fasciitis along with the pain that accompanies it. Additionally, physical therapy is a very important component in the treatment process. It is important that you meet with your podiatrist to determine which treatment option is best for you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Toms River, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.


Read more about Plantar Fasciitis
Tuesday, 05 September 2023 00:00

Effects of Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy refers to nerve damage in areas away from the central body, such a the feet. It encompasses three nerve types consisting of sensory nerves for touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell. Motor nerves are for movement, and autonomic nerves are used for functions such as balance, sweating, and digestion. Sensory nerves in the feet and legs are usually impacted. Symptoms can encompass pain, tingling, and numbness. Additional symptoms can include having a pins and needles sensation, a burning feeling, and muscle weakness. These symptoms can be mild or severe, and typically start in the toes and progress toward the knees, often worsening at night. The primary cause of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes, including both type 1 and type 2, and is also known as diabetic neuropathy. Other contributors can include prolonged heavy alcohol use, and nerve damage from injuries or repetitive actions. Additionally, infections such as Lyme disease, HIV, autoimmune disorders, and hereditary conditions may lead to developing peripheral neuropathy. If you have peripheral neuropathy and it is causing unusual sensations in your feet, it is strongly suggested that you make an appointment with a podiatrist for an examination and treatment plan to manage symptoms.


Neuropathy can be a potentially serious condition, especially if it is left undiagnosed. If you have any concerns that you may be experiencing nerve loss in your feet, consult with Mark Poplawski, DPM from Jersey Shore Podiatry, LLC. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment for neuropathy.

What Is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy is a condition that leads to damage to the nerves in the body. Peripheral neuropathy, or neuropathy that affects your peripheral nervous system, usually occurs in the feet. Neuropathy can be triggered by a number of different causes. Such causes include diabetes, infections, cancers, disorders, and toxic substances.

Symptoms of Neuropathy Include:

  • Numbness
  • Sensation loss
  • Prickling and tingling sensations
  • Throbbing, freezing, burning pains
  • Muscle weakness

Those with diabetes are at serious risk due to being unable to feel an ulcer on their feet. Diabetics usually also suffer from poor blood circulation. This can lead to the wound not healing, infections occurring, and the limb may have to be amputated.


To treat neuropathy in the foot, podiatrists will first diagnose the cause of the neuropathy. Figuring out the underlying cause of the neuropathy will allow the podiatrist to prescribe the best treatment, whether it be caused by diabetes, toxic substance exposure, infection, etc. If the nerve has not died, then it’s possible that sensation may be able to return to the foot.

Pain medication may be issued for pain. Electrical nerve stimulation can be used to stimulate nerves. If the neuropathy is caused from pressure on the nerves, then surgery may be necessary.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Toms River, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Neuropathy