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Items filtered by date: January 2024

Tuesday, 30 January 2024 00:00

Definition and Causes of Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus, clinically known as onychomycosis, is a prevalent ailment characterized by the invasion of fungi into the toenail, leading to discoloration, thickening, and a brittle texture. This condition primarily results from the overgrowth of dermatophytes, yeasts, or molds, often thriving in warm and moist environments. Individuals with compromised immune systems, poor circulation, or a history of nail injuries are more susceptible. Furthermore, shared spaces like public showers and swimming pools contribute to the spread of these fungi, making preventive measures vital. Additionally, wearing tight-fitting shoes or using communal nail care tools can create an ideal breeding ground for toenail fungus. Understanding the definition and causes empowers individuals to adopt proper foot hygiene practices and seek timely treatment, ensuring healthier and fungus-free toenails. If you have developed this unsightly foot condition, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist who can offer you the correct treatment, which may include prescribed medicine.

If left untreated, toenail fungus may spread to other toenails, skin, or even fingernails. If you suspect you have toenail fungus it is important to seek treatment right away. For more information about treatment, contact Mark Poplawski, DPM of Jersey Shore Podiatry, LLC. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.


  • Warped or oddly shaped nails
  • Yellowish nails
  • Loose/separated nail
  • Buildup of bits and pieces of nail fragments under the nail
  • Brittle, broken, thickened nail


If self-care strategies and over-the-counter medications does not help your fungus, your podiatrist may give you a prescription drug instead. Even if you find relief from your toenail fungus symptoms, you may experience a repeat infection in the future.


In order to prevent getting toenail fungus in the future, you should always make sure to wash your feet with soap and water. After washing, it is important to dry your feet thoroughly especially in between the toes. When trimming your toenails, be sure to trim straight across instead of in a rounded shape. It is crucial not to cover up discolored nails with nail polish because that will prevent your nail from being able to “breathe”.

In some cases, surgical procedure may be needed to remove the toenail fungus. Consult with your podiatrist about the best treatment options for your case of toenail fungus.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Toms River, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.


Read more about Treating Toenail Fungus

Obesity, a prevalent health concern among seniors, exerts a substantial toll on the feet, with repercussions that often go unnoticed. The excess weight places an increased burden on the joints and soft tissues of the feet, contributing to a myriad of issues. Arch collapse, a common consequence, leads to overpronation and increased strain on ligaments, fostering conditions like plantar fasciitis. Additionally, the fat accumulation alters the natural padding of the feet, diminishing shock absorption and amplifying discomfort. Compromised circulation further exacerbates the problem, heightening the risk of peripheral artery disease. The feet, pivotal for maintaining balance and mobility, become a battleground for obesity-related complications. If you are overweight and have foot pain, it is suggested that you confer with a podiatrist who can provide you with correct treatment and management techniques.

The more you weigh, the harder your feet must work to support your body. If you’re an obese individual and are concerned about your feet, contact Mark Poplawski, DPM from Jersey Shore Podiatry, LLC. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Obesity and Your Feet

People who are overweight are putting more pressure on their ankles, knees, and hips as well as their feet. This unfortunately can lead to variety of different issues.

Problems & Complications Stemming from Obesity

  • When the body is overweight, it tries to compensate by changing the way that it moves. An obese person may lean forward and put extra weight on the wrong part of the foot. This puts unnecessary stress on the feet.
  • Obese people are also more likely to develop type II diabetes which is a condition that causes a lot of foot problems. People with diabetes often don’t feel the cuts and sores that they may have on their feet, which can lead to more complicated and severe issues.
  • Plantar fasciitis is another foot condition that can be caused by obesity. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the tissue along the bottom of the foot, which causes pain and stiffness while walking and climbing stairs.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Toms River, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Obesity and the Feet
Tuesday, 16 January 2024 00:00

Athlete’s Foot and Cracked Heels

Cracked heels are a common foot ailment, but one surprising cause is the fungal infection known as athlete's foot. Although it typically presents as itchy, scaly skin on the soles and between the toes, athlete's foot can also affect the heels, leading to painful fissures. If extra moisturizing does not help this problem, cracked heels may be a result of an underlying health condition such as hypothyroidism or diabetes. Additionally,  Sjögren's syndrome, a condition that hinders moisture production, or the presence of bone spurs in the heels may indicate cracked heels. These conditions require thorough evaluation and appropriate medical management to ensure comprehensive foot health. If you have persistent cracked heels, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis and effective treatment.

Cracked heels are unsightly and can cause further damage to your shoes and feet. If you have any concerns, contact Mark Poplawski, DPM from Jersey Shore Podiatry, LLC. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Cracked Heels

Cracked heels appear unappealing and can make it harder for you walk around in sandals. Aside from looking unpleasant, cracked heels can also tear stockings, socks, and wear out your shoes. There are several methods to help restore a cracked heel and prevent further damage.

How Do You Get Them?

Dry skin is the number one culprit in creating cracked heels. Many athletes, walkers, joggers, and even swimmers suffer from cracked heels. Age and skin oil production play a role to getting cracked heels as well.

Promote Healing

Over the counter medicines can help, especially for those that need instant relief or who suffer from chronic dry feet.

Wear Socks – Wearing socks with medicated creams helps lock in moisture.

Moisturizers – Applying both day and night will help alleviate dryness which causes cracking.

Pumice Stones – These exfoliate and remove dead skin, which allows for smoother moisturizer application and better absorption into the skin. 

Change in Diet

Eating healthy with a well-balanced diet will give the skin a fresh and radiant look. Your body responds to the kinds of food you ingest. Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc supplements can also revitalize skin tissue.

Most importantly, seek professional help if unsure how to proceed in treating cracked heels. A podiatrist will help you with any questions or information needed. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Toms River, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Solutions for Cracked Heels
Tuesday, 09 January 2024 00:00

Causes of Gout

Gout is a painful inflammatory arthritis that often affects the big toe joint. It occurs when urate, a byproduct of purines found in body tissues and certain foods, accumulates and forms needle-shaped crystals in joints. This buildup results in redness, swelling, and extreme pain, disrupting the normal functioning of the affected joint. While high urate levels are a primary factor of causing gout, not everyone with elevated urate experiences gout. Genetics and environmental elements play roles in the urate accumulation process. Several factors increase the likelihood of gout, including familial history, male gender, menopause, advancing age, and alcohol consumption. Dietary choices also influence urate levels. Foods rich in purines, particularly those from animal sources, contribute to urate production. Additionally, habits such as consuming sugar-sweetened beverages amplify the risk. Certain health conditions add to the susceptibility for gout. Obesity, metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney disease, and high blood pressure can elevate urate levels. For advice in managing gout in the big toe or ankle, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist.

Gout is a painful condition that can be treated. If you are seeking treatment, contact Mark Poplawski, DPM from Jersey Shore Podiatry, LLC. Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.

What Is Gout?

Gout is a form of arthritis that is characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness, and tenderness in the joints. The condition usually affects the joint at the base of the big toe. A gout attack can occur at any random time, such as the middle of the night while you are asleep.


  • Intense Joint Pain - Usually around the large joint of your big toe, and it most severe within the first four to twelve hours
  • Lingering Discomfort - Joint discomfort may last from a few days to a few weeks
  • Inflammation and Redness -Affected joints may become swollen, tender, warm and red
  • Limited Range of Motion - May experience a decrease in joint mobility

Risk Factors

  • Genetics - If family members have gout, you’re more likely to have it
  • Medications - Diuretic medications can raise uric acid levels
  • Gender/Age - Gout is more common in men until the age of 60. It is believed that estrogen protects women until that point
  • Diet - Eating red meat and shellfish increases your risk
  • Alcohol - Having more than two alcoholic drinks per day increases your risk
  • Obesity - Obese people are at a higher risk for gout

Prior to visiting your podiatrist to receive treatment for gout, there are a few things you should do beforehand. If you have gout you should write down your symptoms--including when they started and how often you experience them, important medical information you may have, and any questions you may have. Writing down these three things will help your podiatrist in assessing your specific situation so that he or she may provide the best route of treatment for you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Toms River, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Gout

Winter sports can be fun for many – but only with the proper protective gear. Even with the right equipment, however, injuries can happen. If you’ve sustained foot or ankle trauma or a foot or ankle injury, we’re here to help.

Tuesday, 02 January 2024 00:00

Common Causes of Ankle Pain

Ankle pain, a prevalent discomfort that can hinder mobility, stems from various underlying factors. One frequent culprit is sprained ligaments, often resulting from sudden twists or awkward movements that strain the ankle beyond its normal range. Tendonitis, inflammation of the tendons surrounding the ankle joint, also can cause persistent pain, especially with movement. Arthritis, a condition marked by joint inflammation, can affect the ankle, resulting in discomfort and stiffness. Fractures, often the result of impact or trauma, can cause sharp and localized pain. Additionally, overuse injuries, stemming from repetitive stress on the ankle, may lead to chronic discomfort. Certain conditions, such as gout or infections, can contribute to ankle pain. Understanding these diverse causes is pivotal for effective intervention and management. If you are experiencing ankle pain, it is strongly suggested that you consult a podiatrist who can determine what the cause is, and offer appropriate relief and treatment remedies.

Ankle pain can be caused by a number of problems and may be potentially serious. If you have ankle pain, consult with Mark Poplawski, DPM from Jersey Shore Podiatry, LLC. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.

Ankle pain is any condition that causes pain in the ankle. Due to the fact that the ankle consists of tendons, muscles, bones, and ligaments, ankle pain can come from a number of different conditions.


The most common causes of ankle pain include:

  • Types of arthritis (rheumatoid, osteoarthritis, and gout)
  • Ankle sprains
  • Broken ankles
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Achilles tendon rupture
  • Stress fractures
  • Bursitis
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis


Symptoms of ankle injury vary based upon the condition. Pain may include general pain and discomfort, swelling, aching, redness, bruising, burning or stabbing sensations, and/or loss of sensation.


Due to the wide variety of potential causes of ankle pain, podiatrists will utilize a number of different methods to properly diagnose ankle pain. This can include asking for personal and family medical histories and of any recent injuries. Further diagnosis may include sensation tests, a physical examination, and potentially x-rays or other imaging tests.


Just as the range of causes varies widely, so do treatments. Some more common treatments are rest, ice packs, keeping pressure off the foot, orthotics and braces, medication for inflammation and pain, and surgery.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Toms River, NJ . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.


Read more about Ankle Pain